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In the world of real estate, agents and brokers often see their work as a series of transactions. Listings, negotiations, contracts—these are the tangible markers of success. Yet, for clients, buying or selling a home is far more than a simple transaction; it’s an...
The real estate industry has seen a surge in digital tools to help streamline daily tasks, and AI-powered tools like ChatGPT are leading the charge. Realtors can use ChatGPT for a range of tasks, from generating social media content to drafting client emails and...
As we enter the final quarter of 2024, real estate agents are asking a pivotal question: How can I set myself up for success in 2025? In a market that’s constantly evolving, the time to act is now. Much like a farmer preparing for a bountiful harvest, the steps you...
It’s Friday the 13th, and while some may shy away from making big decisions on a day filled with superstition, we’re here to uncover some killer real estate lessons inspired by Jason Voorhees! Let’s dive into a few valuable takeaways from Friday the 13th that real...
With the recent ruling against the National Association of Realtors (NAR) impacting traditional commission-sharing practices, real estate agents are navigating a new era of uncertainty. As the market evolves, agents must explore alternative ways to generate income,...
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